4歳からピアノを始める。武蔵野音楽大学音楽教育学科ピアノ専攻卒業。クラシックピアノを清島美代氏、宮本麻理氏、JAZZピアノを石黒直子氏、田中裕士氏に学ぶ。2001年、N.Y.短期留学。バリーハリス氏workshop、スティーブ・キューン氏にJAZZ pianoレッスンを学ぶ。
2016年5月、N.Y.Harlem【Nabe Harlem】でNabuko Kiryu(Vo)、James Zoller(Tp)、David Gilmore(Ds)、Jim Colman(Tp)等と共演。
2016年11月、TV出演。明石家さんまの特別企画【誰も知らない明石家さんまのロングインタビュー解禁!!】で、明石家さんまと1998年N.Y.での『エピソード』の再現ドラマや『笑顔のまんま』ピアノ演奏、音楽活動が紹介される。 震災後の被災地の方々への想いを込めたオリジナル曲『笑顔の輪』『朝影』や、情景からのインスピレーションで生まれた曲は、叙情的で独自の世界を表現していると、定評がある。音楽で笑顔になってほしい!音楽で笑顔の輪が広がっていったら!!…..というコンセプトで、それまで書き溜めてきたオリジナル曲を作品にした2ndリーダーアルバム『Circle of Smile』が2021年2/16 全国発売となる。
『着物』と『JAZZ』をコラボレーションして、着物に合う街 『神楽坂』(uma~kagurazaka)で年に2回の日本の催事、ひな祭りと七夕ライブを開催し、着物(浴衣)好きにも音楽好きにも大好評で現在シリーズ化となっている。『自分らしさ』と『笑顔』をコンセプトに、今後もコラボ企画etcにも積極的に取り組み 作曲やアレンジ活動にも力を入れて、オリジナルの世界を広げていこうと精力的に活動中。
Satoko Okuyoshi began playing the piano at the age of four. Graduated from Musashino Academia Musicae, Department of Music Education, majoring in piano. Studied classical piano under Miyo Kiyoshima and Mari Miyamoto, and jazz piano under Naoko Ishiguro and Hiroshi Tanaka. In 2001, briefly studied jazz piano in New York City, at the Barry Harris Workshop and with Steve Kuhn.
In 2002, she gave piano lessons to Atsushi Tamura on the TV program “London Boots: The Rombus Dragon”. In 2007, released her first album as leader, 7th-ave. Since then, she has been performing with her own trio, quartet, quintet, etc., primarily in Tokyo, but also in Chiba, Niigata and Toyama Prefectures among many other areas, developing her original music in addition to playing standard jazz and bossa nova. She also performed with the unit “Summertime” and arranged music for their 1st and 2nd albums.
In May 2016, she performed with Nabuco Kiryu (vocal), James Zoller (trumpet), David Gilmore (drums), Jim Colman (trumpet), and others at “Nabe Harlem” in New York City.
Satoko appeared on TV in November 2016, in a special project of the famous comedian Akashiya Sanma, “The Akashiya Sanma No One Knows—Long Interview, Released!” She recreated her encounter with him in New York City in 1998, and played her original composition “Egao no Manma” (“As Long as You Smile”). Her original songs “Egao no Wa” (“Circle of Smile”) and “Asakage” (“Morning Glory”), which express her feelings for the people in the disaster areas after the 3/11/11 earthquake, as well as other songs inspired by natural scenery, have established her reputation for lyricism and expression of her original perspective.
Beginning in 2018, she has taken part in the “Kimono Jazz” events, which bring together two of her favorite things, kimono and jazz. These events, very popular among people who love music and kimono, take place twice a year, at the Hinamatsuri (Doll Festival) and Tanabata (Star Festival) in the Kagurazaka area of Tokyo, which is famous for kimono.
Satoko says, “I want music to make you smile! If only music could spread the circle of smiles!” Her second leader album, “Circle of Smile,” was released in Japan on February 16, 2021. In line with her values of “individuality” and “smiles,” she is enthusiastically pursuing collaboration projects, and is also working on composing and arranging music to widen her unique world.
着物photo by Photography Miki Saito Top page photo by Photography Toru Takashita